My photo
You should read my blog because...

1. Chances are my blogs won't have too much writing because i get lazy and pictures are worth a thousand words.

2. The last blog i had got erased and banned because it got to crazy and apparently showing pictures of dead cats isn't politicaly correct.

3. Food.

4. 2 words, Drugs and Alchihol.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Camera!

So sunday i went to best buy to buy Batman Begins on Blueray, but they didnt have it. Then me and my dad was walking around the Camera section and i started talking about getting a point and shoot. Next thing i know im bargaining with the worker about how this camera was the last one they had and she should hook it up. $170 talked down to $80 bucks. Its Purple. Word.


This weekend i will be traveling to Concord, North Carolina for HIN's NIGHTSHIFT NC and i will be managing adult film superstar Kira Kener.

I will be posting pictures right when i get back. Word.

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